Tommy Charles
Tommy Charles is a YouthMappers Regional Ambassador and national coordinator of OpenStreetMap Sierra Leone. He is a Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Voting member and a contributor of the OpenStreetMap Africa community. He is an open source enthusiast and a Geography graduate.
This is a presentation about mapping of electricity poles in Sierra Leone with the use of open source geospatial tools. It highlights the use of community members to create and use data for social and economic purposes. It delves into how YouthMappers are sharing and using acquired skills within their chapters and communities as a whole.
The project starts with the skills assessments of existing YouthMappers and development of strategies to train or capacitate new mappers with the required skills, this includes the . It entails the processes of community engagements and working with stakeholders and relevant authorities in project implementation. It highlights the workflow with the use of Open Source Geospatial tools and their outcomes. It also talks about the levels of collaboration between different organizations to achieve a common goal. The presentation will be an engaging with questions and answers and live showcase of tools to make the presentation clear to those that would be participating.