FOSS4G 2022 workshops
This workshop will introduce the MapMint framework that provides quick and easy way to build and manage geospatial web applications using Open Source, Open Standards and Open Data.
Build your 2d & 3d platform with all of your desired data sources in one place. Developed with open source
This workshop will provide an introduction to performing common GIS/geospatial tasks using Python geospatial tools such as OWSLib, Shapely, Fiona/Rasterio, and common geospatial libraries like GDAL, PROJ, pycsw, as well as other tools from the geopython toolchain.
On this workshop we will explore Elasticsearch geospatial search and aggregation capabilities and how to use them from Kibana and a custom development.
GeoNetwork opensource is a fully featured catalog service and the most popular INSPIRE catalog in Europe. This workshop provides hands-on experience setting up GeoNetwork, using INSPIRE requirements as a guideline to explore configuration.
GeoServer is a much open-source project and one of the most popular web mapping services in the world. This workshop provides a gentle hands-on introduction in setting up and enjoying GeoServer.
R is an open-source language and a major player in the field of data science.
The R spatial ecosystem is very rich and provides tried and tested tools for working with spatial vector or raster data.
This workshop will introduce R and its package for handling spatial data.
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It can be extended with PostGIS which allows you to store and handle geospatial data in the database.
This combination is very powerful and allows you many possibilities.
Lizmap is an opensource server application to publish QGIS project (layers, symbology, PDF layouts, forms and dataviz) on the web without any coding skills needed.
It's using QGIS Server in the backend so users have the same rendering between their
QGIS Desktop and the web version of their project.
Come and learn how to get the most out of GRASS GIS. We will cover both basic and advanced concepts while working conveniently in a JupyterLab environment.
Going beyond all the common functions that most folks use PostGIS for. Delving into advanced use cases and using PostGIS in production workloads.
Learn how to develop custom tools (aka addons or modules) for GRASS GIS in Python and, if you like, in C.
pygeoapi is an OGC Reference Implementation supporting numerous OGC API specifications. This workshop will cover publishing geospatial data to the Web using pygeoapi in support of the suite of OGC API standards.
Overview of the MapMint4ME Android application for recording data on the field.
Spatial Data Infrastructure is an elusive concept, this workshop takes it to mean the set up of a multi node cluster for delivery of geospatial applications.
Mapbender is a great open source solutions for creating intuitive and high-performance WebGIS applications. Mapbender offers a set of tools that you can combine.
This software solution enables users to quickly and easily publish applications online without having to write a single line of code.
This workshop introduces the various classic OGC services, their structure and capabiliites,
using GeoServer own implementation as a practical, hands-on example.
Oskari ( & is an open source map application platform. This workshop will demonstrate how easy setting up web based services with an integrated map component can be. Participants will build a website with local tourist attractions and a map component from Oskari.
In this hands-on workshop, we'll take you from scratch to deploying a web mapping application with OpenLayers.
sfnetworks is an R package that provides a tidy interface to analyze geospatial networks. In this workshop, we will introduce the package and present the most important functions using increasingly complex examples, ranging from a toy graph to a complete city network.
This hands-on session will introduce you to editing in OpenStreetMap, the data structures, and the community behind this incredible open data commons.
Introduces the current status of the R R-GRASS GISS interface package "rgrass". There are two operation modes, starting R in a running GRASS session in an existing GRASS location, or starting a fresh GRASS session from R. All GRASS commands and most GRASS extensions can be scripted from R.
The workshop will introduce the k.LAB software and the ARIES platform, implementing the FAIR principles of data/model integration and interoperability through semantic web modelling. Facilitated by experts from the ARIES team, participants will learn basic semantic modelling principles and join the ARIES network to develop their own models.
This workshop will present CARS 3D framework and explain how to use it from command line and python API to generate Digital Surface Models from stereo images.
Particularly, the presentation will detail AI improvement in stereo matching step to improve DSM accuracy.
This workshop is dedicated to people who want to discover the OrfeoToolbox. We will go through the installation process, try some application with real data, walk the tutorials and explore the possibilities provided by the toolbox. If you are already familiar with OTB, you are welcome to share your experiences.
Using open source software, users will be able to collect data from their mobile devices collaboratively with other participants and bring the data back in QGIS.
G3W-SUITE is a modular, client-server application for managing and publishing interactive QGIS cartographic projects of various kinds in a totally independent, simple and fast way.
The application is compatible with QGIS 3.22 LTR and it is based on strong integration with the QGIS API.
The aim of this workshop is to expore the main capabilities of Giswater. A water distribution network will be created starting from scratch.
GeoNode is an open source web platform for the development of interoperable spatial data infrastructure.
The workshop will provide an introduction to GeoNode starting with an overview of its functionalities for managing, data, users and documents covering also more advanced concepts.
The workshop provides a full overview of MapStore functionalities and framework touching every aspect of the system, from the pure product functionalities to the framework architecture, describing how to install and customize your MapStore installation or create your own, adding your code.
pgRouting ( is an open-source library that provides a variety of graph algorithms tools as an extension of a PostGIS ( enabled database on PostgreSQL.
This workshop will give a short introduction to REST and cloud processing concepts, followed by an introduction to actinia and hands-on to explore the API. We will look at existing client implementations and finish with own exercises. This workshop is geared towards those with basic experience in geospatial analysis.
Hands-on tutorial in Jupyter environment on the Euro Data Cube, on how to access open EO data and use it in reproducible workflows to extract information and produce dashboard-ready products.
Join in on a walkthrough of the wide range of layer styling renderers available in QGIS 3.24 for vector data (points, lines and polygons) and raster data (images). Learn what each renderer does and how to use them to make effective, efficient and beautiful cartography.
We will present and exemplify a subset of GRASS GIS toolsets for satellite imagery data processing and analysis in combination with other core modules and Add-ons in a workflow going from data download to supervised classification of different scenes and visualization of results.
The workshop aims to present the GeoNode project to those wishing to develop their own customizations or add new features. We will introduce concepts on how to create a development environment, how to generate their own projects and custom interfaces and methods of installation in production.
During this workshop you'll learn how to use PCRaster for hydrological analysis and modelling through the QGIS PCRaster Tools plugin and Python.
This workshop will provide an introduction to building your own GeoPortal based on the MapStore Open Source framework
The Pangeo community will provide an introduction to the Pangeo ecosystem for anyone interested to learn how to efficiently access, analyze and visualize data at scale.
The workshop can be provided online or in-person (depending on the covid-19 pandemic).
QField is the field collection app for QGIS with more than 170K active users and well over 500K downloads.
Learn how to set up your project, quickly deploy it to your devices and get field data back to your office thanks to QFieldCloud, the hosted service offered by
This workshop provides a practical, overview of key software used within a Spatial Data Infrastructure SDI.
In the workshop we will use OSGeoLive and the Open Source software and sample data shipped with it to get to know the components of an SDI.
This workshop aims at introducing the OGC API - Processes standard
QGIS has powerful tools for creating amazing visualizations, and now you can use them on cloud terrain data. This workshop shows you how to connect to cloud datasets, navigate the range of hillshade options and explore tools for taking your visualizations to the next level.
This workshop will introduce you to the geOrchestra SDI, which brings together the best of Open Source components like GeoServer, GeoNetwork and MapStore.
We'll go through uploading data, describing it and publishing it to the world with a few clicks, thanks to the newly developed datafeeder module.