06-28, 14:00–14:05 (Europe/Tirane), UBT C / N110 - Second Floor
Get your preferred OSM dataset (ie. country) running in a local Geoserver instance with only 2 commands and avoid any dependence on an external provider.
Simple, fast, clean solution. Lowering the barrier to entry to geospatial technology use and development.
Docker-compose setup which assembles the necessary components to implement a Geoserver instance that publishes the OpenStreetMap (OSM) layers locally on a single host/machine (Postgis is required to store the OSM layers).
Instructions for this project are based on this repository OSM-Styles, but make a much simpler execution plan.
The steps and scripts are intended to run in the context of Linux, Mac and Windows environments.
Geospatial developer. Independent contractor/services provider. +20 years of experience in diverse industries/verticals. Software engineer, with studies on Msc. GIS and Remote Sensing as specialization. Worked in different roles, positions, and companies, independently as much as an employee.